“Konrad’s manufacturing standards have always surpassed the status quo, which is why the drives outwork and outlast anything on the water. No wonder Konrad stern drives have become known as “The Toughest Stern Drives in the World.””
Konrad Marine designs and manufactures stern drives for commercial, military, and recreational applications.
Since 1991, Konrad stern drives have been hard at work, worldwide, with proven reliability, strength, and performance. Konrad stern drives are the hardest working, longest lasting, toughest stern drives / outdrives ever made. If you're looking for a stern drive that will give you BOTH the performance and reliability you need, then you've come to the right place. Give us a call and we can help you determine which of our drives are right for your application. Thanks for visiting our site. We look forward to working with you!

Designed for heavy duty commercial applications, Konrad Stern Drives offer you outstanding control, efficiency, longevity, and performance with the torque and power of diesel engines.
Government Service
Military operations are serious business. Konrad stern drives are designed to exceed the reliability and performance requirements of even the most demanding military operations.
You understand the advantages of inboard diesel power - better fuel economy, longer engine life, less maintenance, cleaner running, better performing, safer to carry onboard. Now, add the control and efficiency that comes from trimming sterndrives behind that diesel power - and put Konrad to work on your personal craft.